Crimson Ardour
Price : 1080 $
(한화가격 별도책정 / 주문 기간에 "Order form" 본문 참고)
Size : 62cm (SD16)
[ Outfit ordering guide & Order form }
Order form / 购买申请
- "Order form" page is active only before and after outfit orderable period.
- "Order form"页面仅在可订购服装前后才能激活。
Pre-order period 下单应征时期 :
2024/11/06 00:00 ~ 2024/11/10 00:00
( In Korea local time 韩国时间为准 )
How to order
의상 주문방법 안내
[ Collaborative artists ]
tAMRIN ( Photographer )
MOB ( Face up )
Seulhwa ( English translation )
[ Product notice ]
- This is an order made product. It is impossible to cancel the order once payment has been made, so please be mindful of your decision
- The outfit from order to shipping will be completed within a minimum of 90 business days up to a maximum of 200 business days. The estimated delivery date will be provided in the winner’s confirmation e-mail.
- Shoes are not included as part of the outfit set. Please be mindful of this before purchasing. ( It's custom-made, so they are the models that is not on sale. )
- This product consists only of the outfit and its components, and does not include the dolls, wigs or other items used that are not listed in the product’s composition
- The colour of the product in images has been adjusted so that it matches as closely as possible to the actual colour. However, the colour may vary depending on the specifications of your monitor.
- BLACK SATURN often uses special materials, dyes, adhesives etc. to make our costumes which aren’t found in everyday clothing. Although we take great care and attention in the use of these materials to construct our costumes, due to the nature of the special material, there may be small contamination or adhesive marks you wouldn’t normally see in everyday clothing. We kindly ask for your understanding on this matter
- Since the products are handmade individually, patterns, wash, stitching and finish may differ from the sample images
- Dark colored fabric can dye the body if you put it on for long time.
- 因为是订制商品,付款结束后不可以取消,请慎重下单。
- 从下单到发货的时间最短为90天,最长则需要200天。大致的配送日期将通过订单所确定的邮件的正文来进行介绍。
- 鞋子不包括在衣服套装之中。购买决策时请注意。( 这款鞋是BLACKSATURN自制的,在哪里都不卖的款式。)
- 是单独以服装组成的商品,不包括商品内容里的娃娃,假发,拍摄道具等。
- 为了最大限度地展现出与服装实际颜色相似的颜色,我们将商品照片的颜色稍微调整了一下。但是,根据显示器的规格,颜色看起来可能会与实际颜色不同。
- BLACK SATURN制作服装时会经常使用日常服装里不会使用的特殊材料与颜料、粘合剂等。虽然我们制作时尽可能维持整洁且仔细验货,但是还是会有因使用了特殊材料而导致服装上有小污渍或者粘合剂的痕迹等。关于这一点,请顾客们谅解。
- 因为是手工制作的产品,图案,后加工,缝制等可能会与样品照片略有不同。
- 会根据辅料供应的情况,可能会在没有预告的情况下变更服装上使用的辅料。
- 过高的热度会损伤衣服,熨烫时请在衣服上盖一层薄布用中间温度进行熨烫。
- 深颜色长时间佩戴在白皮肤的娃娃上,会使娃娃表面染上颜色。
[ Detailed size of head ] SartoriaJ Agnes : 8 inch
[ Detailed size of doll in outfit. ; Volks SD16 female body ] *Unit : cm Height : 62~63 Neck girth : 9.5 Shoulder width : 14 Chest girth : 25.5 Waist girth : 16.5 Hip girth : 27 Thigh girth : 16 Arm length : 17.5 Leg length : 35~37
* Epaulettes and brooch - A decoration consisting of a medal-shaped brooch and epaulette that can be attached to the center of the neck of the coat or top with magnets. There is a removable hook at the end of the chain connected to the brooch, so that the brooch can be separated from the epaulette if desired. When wearing the epaulettes, insert the gold button on the top or shoulder of the coat into the hole at the top of the epaulette.
* 肩章和胸针 - 这是一套精致的配饰,包含一枚勋章式样的胸针和配套肩章。胸针背面带有磁铁,可轻松固定在大衣或外套的领中位置。胸针上连有装饰链,链条末端配有可拆卸式挂钩,方便将胸针与肩章分开使用。肩章的佩戴方式是:将外套或大衣肩部的金色纽扣穿过肩章上方的扣眼即可。
* 견장과 브로치 - 뒷면의 자석으로 코트나 상의의 목 중앙에 부착할 수 있는 훈장 모양의 브로치와 견장으로 이루어진 장식입니다. 브로치에 연결된 체인 끝에 탈부착 가능한 걸고리가 달려 있어, 견장에서 브로치를 분리할 수 있습니다. 견장을 착용할 때, 상의나 코트 어깨쪽의 금색 단추를 견장 위 쪽 구멍에 끼워 주세요.
* 肩章とブローチ - 裏面の磁石でコートや上着の首の真ん中辺りに取り付けれる勲章模様のブローチと肩章で作られた装飾です。 ブローチに接続されたチェーンの端に取り外しが可能なフックが付いており、肩章からブローチを分離ができます。 肩章の場合、上着やコートの肩側の金色のボタンを肩章の上側の穴に填めて着用して下さい。
Crimson Ardour
Price : 1080 $
(한화가격 별도책정 / 주문 기간에 "Order form" 본문 참고)
Size : 62cm (SD16)
[ Outfit ordering guide & Order form }
Order form / 购买申请
- "Order form" page is active only before and after outfit orderable period.
- "Order form"页面仅在可订购服装前后才能激活。
Pre-order period 下单应征时期 :
2024/11/06 00:00 ~ 2024/11/10 00:00
( In Korea local time 韩国时间为准 )
How to order
의상 주문방법 안내
[ Collaborative artists ]
tAMRIN ( Photographer )
MOB ( Face up )
Seulhwa ( English translation )
[ Product notice ]
- This is an order made product. It is impossible to cancel the order once payment has been made, so please be mindful of your decision
- The outfit from order to shipping will be completed within a minimum of 90 business days up to a maximum of 200 business days. The estimated delivery date will be provided in the winner’s confirmation e-mail.
- Shoes are not included as part of the outfit set. Please be mindful of this before purchasing. ( It's custom-made, so they are the models that is not on sale. )
- This product consists only of the outfit and its components, and does not include the dolls, wigs or other items used that are not listed in the product’s composition
- The colour of the product in images has been adjusted so that it matches as closely as possible to the actual colour. However, the colour may vary depending on the specifications of your monitor.
- BLACK SATURN often uses special materials, dyes, adhesives etc. to make our costumes which aren’t found in everyday clothing. Although we take great care and attention in the use of these materials to construct our costumes, due to the nature of the special material, there may be small contamination or adhesive marks you wouldn’t normally see in everyday clothing. We kindly ask for your understanding on this matter
- Since the products are handmade individually, patterns, wash, stitching and finish may differ from the sample images
- Dark colored fabric can dye the body if you put it on for long time.
- 因为是订制商品,付款结束后不可以取消,请慎重下单。
- 从下单到发货的时间最短为90天,最长则需要200天。大致的配送日期将通过订单所确定的邮件的正文来进行介绍。
- 鞋子不包括在衣服套装之中。购买决策时请注意。( 这款鞋是BLACKSATURN自制的,在哪里都不卖的款式。)
- 是单独以服装组成的商品,不包括商品内容里的娃娃,假发,拍摄道具等。
- 为了最大限度地展现出与服装实际颜色相似的颜色,我们将商品照片的颜色稍微调整了一下。但是,根据显示器的规格,颜色看起来可能会与实际颜色不同。
- BLACK SATURN制作服装时会经常使用日常服装里不会使用的特殊材料与颜料、粘合剂等。虽然我们制作时尽可能维持整洁且仔细验货,但是还是会有因使用了特殊材料而导致服装上有小污渍或者粘合剂的痕迹等。关于这一点,请顾客们谅解。
- 因为是手工制作的产品,图案,后加工,缝制等可能会与样品照片略有不同。
- 会根据辅料供应的情况,可能会在没有预告的情况下变更服装上使用的辅料。
- 过高的热度会损伤衣服,熨烫时请在衣服上盖一层薄布用中间温度进行熨烫。
- 深颜色长时间佩戴在白皮肤的娃娃上,会使娃娃表面染上颜色。
[ Detailed size of head ] SartoriaJ Agnes : 8 inch
[ Detailed size of doll in outfit. ; Volks SD16 female body ] *Unit : cm Height : 62~63 Neck girth : 9.5 Shoulder width : 14 Chest girth : 25.5 Waist girth : 16.5 Hip girth : 27 Thigh girth : 16 Arm length : 17.5 Leg length : 35~37
* Epaulettes and brooch - A decoration consisting of a medal-shaped brooch and epaulette that can be attached to the center of the neck of the coat or top with magnets. There is a removable hook at the end of the chain connected to the brooch, so that the brooch can be separated from the epaulette if desired. When wearing the epaulettes, insert the gold button on the top or shoulder of the coat into the hole at the top of the epaulette.
* 肩章和胸针 - 这是一套精致的配饰,包含一枚勋章式样的胸针和配套肩章。胸针背面带有磁铁,可轻松固定在大衣或外套的领中位置。胸针上连有装饰链,链条末端配有可拆卸式挂钩,方便将胸针与肩章分开使用。肩章的佩戴方式是:将外套或大衣肩部的金色纽扣穿过肩章上方的扣眼即可。
* 견장과 브로치 - 뒷면의 자석으로 코트나 상의의 목 중앙에 부착할 수 있는 훈장 모양의 브로치와 견장으로 이루어진 장식입니다. 브로치에 연결된 체인 끝에 탈부착 가능한 걸고리가 달려 있어, 견장에서 브로치를 분리할 수 있습니다. 견장을 착용할 때, 상의나 코트 어깨쪽의 금색 단추를 견장 위 쪽 구멍에 끼워 주세요.
* 肩章とブローチ - 裏面の磁石でコートや上着の首の真ん中辺りに取り付けれる勲章模様のブローチと肩章で作られた装飾です。 ブローチに接続されたチェーンの端に取り外しが可能なフックが付いており、肩章からブローチを分離ができます。 肩章の場合、上着やコートの肩側の金色のボタンを肩章の上側の穴に填めて着用して下さい。