" People need stories more than bread itself. They tell us how to live, and why "
— Arabian nights
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SCHEHERAZADE - Sunset (山鲁佐德 - 暮日)
Price : 996 $
(한화가격 별도책정 / 주문 기간에 "Order form" 본문 참고)
Size : ID 75
Component :
Pants > Wrap skirt & muffler > Layered necklace > Gown > Shoulder adornments > Tassel necklace > Choker > 8 types of bracelets > Arm and ankle adornments > Shoes > Earrings > Hair accessories > Hat > Ring
裤子 > 裹裙和围巾 > 叠加项链 > 长袍 > 肩部装饰品 > 流苏项链 > 颈圈 > 八种手镯及珠链 > 手臂和脚腕装饰品 > 鞋子 > 耳环 > 头饰 > 帽子 > 戒指
[ Outfit ordering guide & Order form }
Order application period 下单应征时期 : 2021/12/11 00:00 ~ 2021/12/12 23:59
Raffle Winner Announcement 抽签销售的中选者公布 : 2021/12/13 17:00
( In Korea local time 韩国时间为准 )
- "Order form" page is active only before and after outfit orderable period. -
- "Order form"页面仅在可订购服装前后才能激活。-
[ Collaborative artists ]
tAMRIN & 岚云殇 ( Photographer )
R dean ( Face up )
Seulhwa ( English translation )
宵语 ( Chinese translation )
[ Product notice ]
- This is an order made product. It is impossible to cancel the order once payment has been made, so please be mindful of your decision
- Usually, products will be completed and shipped within 30-90 business days, but could take up to 100 business days
- If you choose to pay using instalment payments, the product will be shipped on the day that the total price has been paid
- This product consists only of the outfit and its components, and does not include the dolls, wigs or other items used that are not listed in the product’s composition
- The actual colour of the outfit may differ from the ones displayed on your monitor, as they are affected by your individual PC monitor
- BLACK SATURN often uses special materials, dyes, adhesives etc. to make our costumes which aren’t found in everyday clothing. Although we take great care and attention in the use of these materials to construct our costumes, due to the nature of the special material, there may be small contamination or adhesive marks you wouldn’t normally see in everyday clothing. We kindly ask for your understanding on this matter
- Since the products are handmade individually, patterns, wash, stitching and finish may differ from the sample images
- The gilts on the outfit are susceptible to melting if heat is placed direction on to it, so please use a thin cloth over the gilts if ironing is required
- To create the look of natural folds and wrinkles, the edges of the wrap skirt have been treated with heat. Should a ladder occur in the fabric of the skirt, it can be amended by carefully heating the area with a lighter
- There are many natural gemstones used in the bracelets and accessories of the outfit. Some of the gemstones may contain inclusions as a natural characteristic, and as such flaws of this nature are not regarded as defective
- The outfit is made with artificial leather, natural leather and specially manufactured fabrics. These materials are vulnerable to high temperatures and moisture. Therefore, we recommend that you read the enclosed precautions regarding the handling of these materials before ironing or removing dust. We recommend that you store this outfit with the care kit that is included in the package.
- High temperatures can ruin the outfit. Therefore, we recommend that you put a thin cloth over the outfit before ironing with high temperatures.
- Due to the characteristics of natural leather, irregular wrinkles or tiny coating peeling may take place while processing it. As these are not manufacturing defects, they are not eligible reasons for repair or refunds.
− 本商品以营业日为准30-90日以内发货。分期付款的情况下,会在付完全款日为准30-60日以内发货。
- 是单独以服装组成的商品,不包括商品内容里的娃娃,假发,拍摄道具等。
- 因为是订制商品,付款结束后不可以取消,请慎重下单。
- 根据显示器分辨率不同,可能会与实际的颜色多少有些差异。
- BLACK SATURN制作服装时会经常使用日常服装里不会使用的特殊材料与颜料、粘合剂等。虽然我们制作时尽可能维持整洁且仔细验货,但是还是会有因使用了特殊材料而导致服装上有小污渍或者粘合剂的痕迹等。关于这一点,请顾客们谅解。
- 因为是手工制作的产品,图案,后加工,缝制等可能会与样品照片略有不同。
- 会根据辅料供应的情况,可能会在没有预告的情况下变更服装上使用的辅料。
- 金箔直接用熨斗加热可能会使其融化,如需熨衣服时,请盖上一层薄薄的面料后再进行熨烫。
- 为了展现自然的褶皱效果,将裹裙底端用热加工进行了收尾,可能会轻微开线。如果开线了的话,请您用剪刀剪断线头,用打火机稍微加热一下。
- 手镯和其它装饰使用了大量的天然石。由于天然材料的特性,原石上可能会稍微含有一些异物等,这不是不良的基准。
- 这是使用了包括天然皮革,还有特殊加工面料的服装。像这样的面料不易受热气与湿气的影响,熨烫或者去除污渍前请一定要先阅读附带的‘皮质产品注意事项’的说明,并使用产品里包含的管理用品包装之后进行保管。
- 过高的热度会损伤衣服,熨烫时请在衣服上盖一层薄布用中间温度进行熨烫。
- 在潮湿的环境下持续暴露,会损伤人造皮革和特殊涂层面料等。
- 人造皮革可以用附带的纸或者面料等包装之后,保管在湿度低一点的地方。详细的事项,可以参考商品附带的皮质产品相关说明书。
- 深颜色长时间佩戴在白皮肤的娃娃上,会使娃娃表面染上颜色。
- 由于天然皮革的特性,在加工过程中可能会产生不规则的褶皱,或发生极小面积的涂层脱落现象。以上情况并不是不良,不能成为修理或退货的理由。
[ Detailed size of doll in outfit. ; Idealian 75 male body ]
*Unit : cm
Height : 75
Wig size (inch) : 9~10
Head girth : 24
Neck girth : 13
Shoulder width : 19
Chest girth : 36
Waist girth : 28
Hip girth : 32.5
Thigh girth : 21.5
Arm length : 25.5
Leg length : 51
Ankle girth : 10
Foot length : 9.5
SCHEHERAZADE - Sunset (山鲁佐德 - 暮日)
Price : 996 $
(한화가격 별도책정 / 주문 기간에 "Order form" 본문 참고)
Size : ID 75
Component :
Pants > Wrap skirt & muffler > Layered necklace > Gown > Shoulder adornments > Tassel necklace > Choker > 8 types of bracelets > Arm and ankle adornments > Shoes > Earrings > Hair accessories > Hat > Ring
裤子 > 裹裙和围巾 > 叠加项链 > 长袍 > 肩部装饰品 > 流苏项链 > 颈圈 > 八种手镯及珠链 > 手臂和脚腕装饰品 > 鞋子 > 耳环 > 头饰 > 帽子 > 戒指
[ Outfit ordering guide & Order form }
Order application period 下单应征时期 : 2021/12/11 00:00 ~ 2021/12/12 23:59
Raffle Winner Announcement 抽签销售的中选者公布 : 2021/12/13 17:00
( In Korea local time 韩国时间为准 )
- "Order form" page is active only before and after outfit orderable period. -
- "Order form"页面仅在可订购服装前后才能激活。-
[ Collaborative artists ]
tAMRIN & 岚云殇 ( Photographer )
R dean ( Face up )
Seulhwa ( English translation )
宵语 ( Chinese translation )
[ Product notice ]
- This is an order made product. It is impossible to cancel the order once payment has been made, so please be mindful of your decision
- Usually, products will be completed and shipped within 30-90 business days, but could take up to 100 business days
- If you choose to pay using instalment payments, the product will be shipped on the day that the total price has been paid
- This product consists only of the outfit and its components, and does not include the dolls, wigs or other items used that are not listed in the product’s composition
- The actual colour of the outfit may differ from the ones displayed on your monitor, as they are affected by your individual PC monitor
- BLACK SATURN often uses special materials, dyes, adhesives etc. to make our costumes which aren’t found in everyday clothing. Although we take great care and attention in the use of these materials to construct our costumes, due to the nature of the special material, there may be small contamination or adhesive marks you wouldn’t normally see in everyday clothing. We kindly ask for your understanding on this matter
- Since the products are handmade individually, patterns, wash, stitching and finish may differ from the sample images
- The gilts on the outfit are susceptible to melting if heat is placed direction on to it, so please use a thin cloth over the gilts if ironing is required
- To create the look of natural folds and wrinkles, the edges of the wrap skirt have been treated with heat. Should a ladder occur in the fabric of the skirt, it can be amended by carefully heating the area with a lighter
- There are many natural gemstones used in the bracelets and accessories of the outfit. Some of the gemstones may contain inclusions as a natural characteristic, and as such flaws of this nature are not regarded as defective
- The outfit is made with artificial leather, natural leather and specially manufactured fabrics. These materials are vulnerable to high temperatures and moisture. Therefore, we recommend that you read the enclosed precautions regarding the handling of these materials before ironing or removing dust. We recommend that you store this outfit with the care kit that is included in the package.
- High temperatures can ruin the outfit. Therefore, we recommend that you put a thin cloth over the outfit before ironing with high temperatures.
- Due to the characteristics of natural leather, irregular wrinkles or tiny coating peeling may take place while processing it. As these are not manufacturing defects, they are not eligible reasons for repair or refunds.
− 本商品以营业日为准30-90日以内发货。分期付款的情况下,会在付完全款日为准30-60日以内发货。
- 是单独以服装组成的商品,不包括商品内容里的娃娃,假发,拍摄道具等。
- 因为是订制商品,付款结束后不可以取消,请慎重下单。
- 根据显示器分辨率不同,可能会与实际的颜色多少有些差异。
- BLACK SATURN制作服装时会经常使用日常服装里不会使用的特殊材料与颜料、粘合剂等。虽然我们制作时尽可能维持整洁且仔细验货,但是还是会有因使用了特殊材料而导致服装上有小污渍或者粘合剂的痕迹等。关于这一点,请顾客们谅解。
- 因为是手工制作的产品,图案,后加工,缝制等可能会与样品照片略有不同。
- 会根据辅料供应的情况,可能会在没有预告的情况下变更服装上使用的辅料。
- 金箔直接用熨斗加热可能会使其融化,如需熨衣服时,请盖上一层薄薄的面料后再进行熨烫。
- 为了展现自然的褶皱效果,将裹裙底端用热加工进行了收尾,可能会轻微开线。如果开线了的话,请您用剪刀剪断线头,用打火机稍微加热一下。
- 手镯和其它装饰使用了大量的天然石。由于天然材料的特性,原石上可能会稍微含有一些异物等,这不是不良的基准。
- 这是使用了包括天然皮革,还有特殊加工面料的服装。像这样的面料不易受热气与湿气的影响,熨烫或者去除污渍前请一定要先阅读附带的‘皮质产品注意事项’的说明,并使用产品里包含的管理用品包装之后进行保管。
- 过高的热度会损伤衣服,熨烫时请在衣服上盖一层薄布用中间温度进行熨烫。
- 在潮湿的环境下持续暴露,会损伤人造皮革和特殊涂层面料等。
- 人造皮革可以用附带的纸或者面料等包装之后,保管在湿度低一点的地方。详细的事项,可以参考商品附带的皮质产品相关说明书。
- 深颜色长时间佩戴在白皮肤的娃娃上,会使娃娃表面染上颜色。
- 由于天然皮革的特性,在加工过程中可能会产生不规则的褶皱,或发生极小面积的涂层脱落现象。以上情况并不是不良,不能成为修理或退货的理由。
[ Detailed size of doll in outfit. ; Idealian 75 male body ]
*Unit : cm
Height : 75
Wig size (inch) : 9~10
Head girth : 24
Neck girth : 13
Shoulder width : 19
Chest girth : 36
Waist girth : 28
Hip girth : 32.5
Thigh girth : 21.5
Arm length : 25.5
Leg length : 51
Ankle girth : 10
Foot length : 9.5